Tuesday, 17 December
04:15 pm
Bielefeld University H10 (UHG)
Risikomanagement und Rückversicherung: Einblicke eines Junior Aktuars bei Guy Carpenter
Speaker: Sebastian Schmid
Sebastian Schmid erzählt von seiner Arbeit bei Guy Carpenter, einem amerikanischen Rückversicherungsmakler. Außerdem berichtet er über seine aktuelle Ausbildung zum Aktuar DAV. Er wird auch einen Einblick geben, wie sein Studium der (Wirtschafts-)Mathematik an der Universität Bielefeld seinen beruflichen Werdegang beeinflusst hat.
Next week
There are no announced talks next week.
Further Talks
Friday, 10 January
01:15 pm
Bielefeld University X-E0-228
Generalising Keller's counterexample on the telescope conjecture
Speaker: Florian Tecklenburg
Building on results of Bazzoni–Šťovíček, we give an explicit construction of an infinite family of commutative rings which generalise the first counterexample on the generalised telescope conjecture of Bernhard Keller in 1994. In particular, the telescope conjecture for their derived categories does not hold. Generalising the construction of these rings further, we give a complete classification of the frame of smashing ideals for the derived category of a finite dimensional valuation domain. As a consequence, we deduce that the Krull dimension of the Balmer spectrum and the smashing spectrum can differ arbitrarily for rigidly-compactly generated tensor-triangulated categories. The talk is based on joint work with Scott Balchin, see https://arxiv.org/abs/2407.11791.
Thursday, 16 January
04:15 pm
Bielefeld University V2-210/216
Speaker: Sebastian Herrero