The DFG has approved a new project! The principal investigators are Max Hoffmann and Tobias Weich. In Project Ö, they design activities for learners of different ages focussing on the concepts of integrality and (mathematical) structure, as well as their productive combinations. You will soon find more information here.
Opening Conference of our CRC
Our opening conference proved to be a complete success! After more than a year of planning, the conference took place in Paderborn in September under the title of the CRC "Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory". With prestigious speakers, it attracted renowned mathematicians from all over the world, such as Maryna Viazovska and Efim Zelmanov, both winners of the Fields Medal.
A detailed report (in German) can be found on the website of Paderborn University, and a short version on that of Bielefeld University.
New project on the stable cohomology of symplectic and orthogonal groups
The DFG has approved another new project, A8! The goal of this project is to compute the stable cohomology of symplectic and orthogonal groups, primarily in the case of forms over the integers. Principal investigator of this project is Fabian Hebestreit. You find more information about A8 here.
New project on Chow groups and compactifications of moduli spaces
The DFG has approved a new project! Ana Botero is now the principal investigator of the new project B7. The main goal of this project is an infinite Chern–Weil theory for singular, semipositive, invariant metrics on automorphic vector bundles on mixed Shimura varieties. You find more information, including preprints, here.
New Equal Opportunity Manager
In December 2023, the general assembly elected Fabian Januszewski as the new equal opportunity manager from Paderborn. The CRC has two equal opportunity managers, one from Bielefeld University, Christopher Voll, and one from Paderborn University, who coordinate the CRC’s gender equality measures.
The new KidsBox is a mobile parent-child room for children of ages 1.5 - 7 years. It fits in an office and contains various toys, books, painting materials, and further aid and sanitary products.
To borrow the KidsBox, please contact Melanie Kreimeyer or Elena Tielker.
For more information about existing mobile parent-child rooms in Paderborn, see here.
Behold Modular Forms, the ‘Fifth Fundamental Operation’ of Math
Our Mercator fellow will be awarded the Carl Friedrich Gauß Medal on 21 April in Braunschweig. The event will consist of a colloquium with lectures by Henry Cohn, Gabriele Nebe, and Don Zagier followed by the award ceremony and a lecture by Maryna Viazovska on "Packing spheres in big dimensions“.
More information can be found here:ß-medaille/