25016 Luigi Martinelli | |
Higher-dimensional O'Grady's resolutions and their exceptional locus | |
Project: C7 |
25015 Abdel Betina, Alexandre Maksoud, Alice Pozzi | |
The eigencurve at crystalline points with scalar Frobenius and Gross-Stark regulators | |
Project: B5 |
25014 Benjamin Delarue, Daniel Monclair, Andrew Sanders | |
Locally homogeneous Axiom A flows II: geometric structures for Anosov subgroups | |
Project: B2 |
25012 Raphael Bennett-Tennenhaus, Isambard Goodbody, Janina Letz, Amit Shah | |
Tensor extriangulated categories | |
Project: C3 |
25011 Fabian Gundlach, Béranger Seguin | |
Counting two-step nilpotent wildly ramified extensions of function fields | |
Project: A4 |
25010 Wassilij Gnedin | |
Derived invariants of gentle orders | |
Project: C3 |
25008 Michael Baake, Franz Gähler, Jan Mazáč, Lorenzo Sadun | |
On the long-range order of the Spectre tilings | |
Project: A2 |
25007 Salvatore Floccari, Mauro Varesco | |
Algebraic cycles on hyper-Kähler varieties of generalized Kummer type | |
Projects: C1, C8 |
25006 Salvatore Floccari | |
K3 surfaces associated to varieties of generalized Kummer type | |
Projects: C1, C8 |
25004 Georges Neaime | |
Cancellative elliptic Artin monoids | |
Project: C2 |
25003 Nick Early, Lukas Kühne, Leonid Monin | |
When alcoved polytopes add | |
Project: A7 |
25002 Lie Fu, Zhiyuan Li, Teppei Takamatsu, Haitao Zou | |
Unpolarized Shafarevich conjectures for Hyper-Kähler varieties | |
Project: C8 |
25001 Fabian Januszewski, Binyong Sun, Hao Ying | |
Hausdorffness of certain nilpotent cohomology spaces | |
Project: C3 |
24108 Michael Baake, Franz Gähler, Jan Mazáč, Lorenzo Sadun | |
On the long-range order of the Spectre tilings | |
Project: A2 |
24107 Salvatore Floccari, Mauro Varesco | |
Algebraic cycles on hyper-Kähler varieties of generalized Kummer type | |
Project: C1 |
24106 Long Meng, Hongwei Zhang, Junyong Zhang | |
Massless Dirac equation on spinor bundles over real hyperbolic spaces | |
Project: B2 |
24104 Fabian Hebestreit, Gijs Heuts, Jaco Ruit | |
A short proof of the straightening theorem | |
Project: A8 |
24103 Tomasz Goliński, Praful Rahangdale, Alice Barbora Tumpach | |
Poisson structures in the Banach setting: comparison of different approaches | |
Project: A5 |
24101 Teresa Conde, Mikhail Gorsky, Frederik Marks, Alexandra Zvonareva | |
A functorial approach to rank functions on triangulated categories | |
Project: C6 |
24100 Teresa Conde, Georgios Dalezios, Steffen Koenig | |
Triangular decompositions: Reedy algebras and quasi-hereditary algebras | |
Project: C6 |
24098 Ignacio Barros, Pietro Beri, Laure Flapan, Brandon Williams | |
Cones of Noether-Lefschetz divisors and moduli spaces of hyperkähler manifolds | |
Project: C1 |
24097 Ignacio Barros, Scott Mullane | |
The Kodaira classification of the moduli of hyperelliptic curves | |
Project: C1 |
24096 Alexander Pütz, Julia Sauter | |
Quasi-projective varieties are Grassmannians for fully exact subcategories of quiver representations | |
Project: C4 |
24095 Janina Letz, Julia Sauter | |
Realization functors in algebraic triangulated categories | |
Project: C4 |
24094 Manoel Jarra, Oliver Lorscheid, Eduardo Vital | |
Quiver matroids -- Matroid morphisms, quiver Grassmannians, their Euler characteristics and F1-points | |
Project: B7 |
24092 Edgar Assing | |
Unipotent mixing for general moduli | |
Project: B1 |
24091 Edgar Assing | |
New bounds for fundamental Fourier coefficients of Siegel modular forms | |
Project: B1 |
24090 Jean-Philippe Anker, Guendalina Palmirotta, Yannick Sire | |
The Schrödinger equation with fractional Laplacian on hyperbolic spaces and homogeneous trees | |
Project: B2 |
24088 Benjamin Delarue, Guendalina Palmirotta | |
Patterson-Sullivan and Wigner distributions of convex-cocompact hyperbolic surfaces | |
Project: B2 |
24087 Kai-Uwe Bux, Elisa Hartmann, José Quintanilha | |
Geometric invariants of locally compact groups: the homotopical perspective | |
Project: B4 |
24086 Kai-Uwe Bux, Elisa Hartmann, José Quintanilha | |
Geometric invariants of locally compact groups: the homological perspective | |
Project: B4 |
24085 Barbara Baumeister, Timothy C. Burness, Robert M. Guralnick, Hung Tong-Viet | |
On the maximal overgroups of Sylow subgroups of finite groups | |
Project: A3 |
24084 Thomas Kahle, Lukas Kühne, Leonie Mühlherr, Bernd Sturmfels, Maximilian Wiesmann | |
Arrangements and Likelihood | |
Project: A7 |
24083 Barbara Baumeister, Patrick Wegener | |
Elliptic Weyl groups and Hurwitz transitivity | |
Project: C2 |
24081 Effie Papageorgiou | |
Lp asymptotics for the heat equation on symmetric spaces for non-symmetric solutions | |
Project: B3 |
24079 Effie Papageorgiou, Jordy Timo van Velthoven | |
Counting function estimates for coherent frames and Riesz sequences | |
Project: B3 |
24077 Mikel Eguzki Garciarena Perez, Moritz Petschick | |
Maximal subgroups in torsion branch groups | |
Project: A6 |
24076 Dominik Brennecken | |
Boundedness of the Cherednik kernel and its limit transition from type BC to type A | |
Project: B3 |
24075 Lukas Langen, Margit Rösler | |
Multiresolution analysis on spectra of Hermitian matrices | |
Project: A3 |
24074 Joshua Maglione, Christopher Voll | |
Hall-Littlewood polynomials, affine Schubert series, and lattice enumeration | |
Project: A1 |
24072 Igor Burban, Yuriy Drozd | |
Classification of real nodal orders | |
Projects: C2, C3 |
24071 Lukas Klawuhn, Kai-Uwe Schmidt | |
Transitivity in wreath products with symmetric groups | |
Project: A3 |
24070 Elisa Hartmann | |
Computer-assisted methods in Sigma-theory | |
Project: B4 |
24067 Nicolas Potthast | |
On the asymptotics of elementary-abelian extensions of local and global function fields | |
Project: A4 |
24066 Emanuele Delucchi, Lukas Kühne, Leonie Mühlherr | |
Combinatorial invariants of finite metric spaces and the Wasserstein arrangement | |
Project: A7 |
24065 Sebastian Degen, Lukas Kühne | |
Most q-matroids are not representable | |
Project: A7 |
24064 Ilaria Castellano, Bianca Marchionna, Thomas Weigel | |
Weyl-invariants of totally disconnected locally compact groups acting cocompactly on buildings | |
Projects: A4, B4 |
24063 Claudia Alfes, Igor Burban, Martin Raum | |
A classification of polyharmonic Maaß forms via quiver representations | |
Project: C3 |
24061 Patrick Bieker | |
Integral models of moduli spaces of shtukas with deep Bruhat-Tits level structures | |
Project: C8 |
24059 Henning Krause | |
Locally noetherian quiver representations | |
Project: C6 |
24058 Markus Kirschmer, Jürgen Klüners | |
Chow Groups of one-dimensional noetherian domains | |
Project: A2 |
24057 Alexander Samokhin, Wilberd Van der Kallen | |
Highest weight category structures on Rep(B) and full exceptional collections on flag varieties over $\mathbb{Z}$ | |
Project: C7 |
24056 Ulrich Bauer, Magnus Bakke Botnan, Benedikt Fluhr | |
Universal distances for extended persistence | |
Project: C6 |
24055 Fabian Gundlach, Jürgen Klüners | |
Symmetries of power-free integers in number fields and their shift spaces | |
Project: A2 |
24054 Patrick Bieker, Paul Kiefer | |
A converse theorem for Borcherds products in signature (2,2) | |
Project: B1 |
24053 Fabian Hebestreit, Markus Land, Michael Weiss, Christoph Winges | |
Homology manifolds and euclidean bundles | |
Project: A8 |
24052 Lukas Kühne, Dante Luber, Piotr Pokora | |
On the numerical Terao's conjecture and Ziegler pairs for line arrangements | |
Project: A7 |
24051 Ilaria Castellano, Bianca Marchionna, Thomas Weigel | |
Unimodular totally disconnected locally compact groups of rational discrete cohomological dimension one | |
Projects: A4, B4 |
24050 Evgeny Feigin, Martina Lanini, Matteo Micheli, Alexander Pütz | |
Symplectic Grassmannians and cyclic quivers | |
Project: C4 |
24049 Cheol-Hyun Cho, Kyungmin Rho | |
Canonical form of matrix factorizations from Fukaya category of surface | |
Project: C3 |
24048 Juan Omar Gomez Rodriguez | |
On the Picard group of the stable module category for infinite groups | |
Project: C6 |
24047 Claudia Alfes, Baptiste Depouilly, Paul Kiefer, Markus Schwagenscheidt | |
Cycle integrals of meromorphic Hilbert modular forms | |
Project: B1 |
24046 Claudia Alfes, Paul Kiefer, Jan Mazáč | |
Measures, modular forms, and summation formulas of Poisson type | |
Project: A1 |
24044 Fabian Gundlach, Béranger Seguin | |
Asymptotics of extensions of simple $\mathbb{Q}$-algebras | |
Project: A4 |
24043 Fabian Gundlach | |
Sampling cubic rings | |
Project: A4 |
24042 Valentin Blomer, Félicien Comtat | |
Moments of symmetric square L-functions on GL(3) | |
Project: A4 |
24041 Ilaria Castellano, Gianmarco Chinello, Thomas Weigel | |
The Hattori-Stallings rank, the Euler-Poincaré characteristic and zeta functions of totally disconnected locally compact groups | |
Project: B4 |
24040 Raschid Abedin, Stepan Maximov, Alexander Stolin | |
Generalized classical Yang-Baxter equation and regular decompositions | |
Project: A5 |
24039 Raschid Abedin, Stepan Maximov, Alexander Stolin, Efim Zelmanov | |
Topological Lie Bialgebras, Manin Triples and Their Classification Over g[[x]] | |
Project: A5 |
24037 Ana Botero | |
Equivariant Chern Classes of Toric Vector Bundles over a DVR and Bruhat--Tits Buildings | |
Project: B7 |
24035 Lea Beneish, Henri Darmon, Lennart Gehrmann, Martí Roset | |
The Gross--Kohnen--Zagier theorem via p-adic uniformization | |
Project: B6 |
24034 Michele Fornea, Lennart Gehrmann | |
Non-Archimedean plectic Jacobians | |
Project: B6 |
24032 Thomas Baier, Ana Cristina Ferreira, Joachim Hilgert, José M. Mourão, João P. Nunes | |
Fibering polarizations and Mabuchi rays on symmetric spaces of compact type | |
Projects: B3, B4 |
24031 Ian Leary, Jason Semeraro | |
Spectra of subrings of cohomology generated by characteristic classes for fusion systems | |
Project: B3 |
24026 Christopher Lutsko, Tobias Weich, Lasse Wolf | |
Polyhedral bounds on the joint spectrum and temperedness of locally symmetric spaces | |
Project: B2 |
24023 Stepan Maximov | |
Regular decompositions of finite root systems and simple Lie algebras | |
Project: A5 |
24022 Robert Laterveer, Charles Vial | |
The Beauville-Voisin-Franchetta conjecture and LLSS eightfolds | |
Project: C1 |
24021 Henning Krause | |
On Matlis reflexive modules | |
Projects: C6, C7 |
24020 Dave Benson, Srikanth B. Iyengar, Henning Krause, Julia Pevtsova | |
Locally dualisable modular representations and local regularity | |
Project: C6 |
24018 Henrik Rüping, Marc Stephan | |
An equivariant BGG correspondence and perfect complexes for extensions by Z/2×Z/2 | |
Project: C6 |
24016 Edgar Assing, Valentin Blomer, Paul D. Nelson | |
Local analysis of the Kuznetsov formula and the density conjecture | |
Project: B2 |
24015 Benjamin Delarue, Joachim Hilgert | |
Quantum resonances and scattering poles of classical rank one locally symmetric spaces | |
Project: B2 |
24014 Fabian Januszewski | |
Locally algebraic representations and integral structures on the cohomology of arithmetic groups | |
Project: C3 |
24012 Fabian Hebestreit, Achim Krause, Maxime Ramzi | |
A note on quadratic forms | |
Project: A8 |
24011 Lukas Kühne, Xavier Roulleau | |
Dynamical systems on some elliptic modular surfaces via operators on line arrangements | |
Project: A7 |
24010 Jan-Paul Lerch | |
A generalised block decomposition theorem | |
Project: C4 |
24009 Janina Letz, Marc Stephan | |
Generation time for biexact functors and Koszul objects in triangulated categories | |
Project: C6 |
24008 Alexandros Galanakis, Michael Spieß | |
Adelic Eisenstein classes and divisibility properties of Stickelberger elements | |
Projects: B5, B6 |
24007 Vadim Lebovici, Jan-Paul Lerch, Steve Oudot | |
Local characterization of block-decomposability for 3-parameter persistence modules | |
Project: C4 |
24006 Claudia Alfes, Joshua Maglione, Christopher Voll | |
Ehrhart polynomials, Hecke series, and affine buildings | |
Project: A1 |
24004 Lukas Kühne, Tomasz Szemberg, Halszka Tutaj-Gasińska | |
Line arrangements with many triple points | |
Project: A7 |
24003 Dominik Brennecken, Margit Rösler | |
Limits of Bessel functions for root systems as the rank tends to infinity | |
Project: B3 |
23074 Manuel Hoff | |
On parahoric $(G,μ)$-displays | |
Project: C8 |
23073 Ignacio Barros, Pietro Beri, Emma Brakkee, Laure Flapan | |
Kodaira dimension of moduli spaces of hyperkähler varieties | |
Project: C1 |
23072 Barbara Baumeister, Derek F. Holt, Georges Neaime, Sarah Rees | |
Isomorphism and non-isomorphism for interval groups of type Dn | |
Project: C2 |
23071 Barbara Baumeister, Derek F. Holt, Georges Neaime, Sarah Rees | |
Interval groups related to finite Coxeter groups Part II | |
Project: C2 |
23070 Barbara Baumeister, Paula Hähndel, Kay Magaard, Patrick Salfeld, Rebecca Waldecker | |
Finite simple permutation groups acting with fixity 4 | |
Project: A3 |
23069 Barbara Baumeister, Georges Neaime, Sarah Rees | |
Interval groups related to finite Coxeter groups I | |
Project: C2 |
23068 Patrick Bieker, Timo Richarz | |
Normality of Schubert varieties in affine Grassmannians | |
Project: C8 |
23065 Fabian Hebestreit, Jan Steinebrunner | |
A short proof that Rezk´s nerve is fully faithful | |
Project: A8 |
23064 Takuma Hayashi, Fabian Januszewski | |
Families of twisted D-modules and arithmetic models of Harish-Chandra modules | |
Project: C3 |
23063 Carsten Peterson | |
Quantum ergodicity on the Bruhat-Tits building for PGL(3,F) in the Benjamini-Schramm limit | |
Projects: B3, B4 |
23061 Edgar Assing | |
A density theorem for Borel-Type Congruence subgroups and arithmetic applications | |
Project: B1 |
23059 Efthymia Papageorgiou | |
Large-time behavior of two families of operators related to the fractional Laplacian on certain Riemannian manifolds | |
Project: B3 |
23058 Dalia Artenstein, Janina Letz, Amrei Oswald, Andrea Solotar | |
The Hochschild cohomology ring of monomial path algebras | |
Project: C6 |
23057 Benjamin Briggs, James C. Cameron, Janina Letz, Josh Pollitz | |
Koszul homomorphisms and universal resolutions in local algebra | |
Project: C6 |
23055 Annika Burmester | |
Balanced multiple q-zeta values | |
Project: A1 |
23054 Annika Burmester | |
A generalization of formal multiple zeta values related to multiple Eisenstein series and multiple q-zeta values | |
Project: A1 |
23053 William Crawley-Boevey | |
Rigid integral representations of quivers over arbitrary commutative rings | |
Project: A6 |
23052 Javier Aramayona, Kai-Uwe Bux, Heejoung Kim, Christopher Leininger | |
Surface Houghton groups | |
Project: A5 |
23051 Karthika Rajeev, Anitha Thillaisundaram | |
Maximal subgroups of a family of iterated monodromy groups | |
Project: A6 |
23050 Jeff Achter, Sebastian Casalaina-Martin, Charles Vial | |
A complete answer to Albanese base change for incomplete varieties | |
Project: C8 |
23049 Manuel Hoff | |
The EKOR-stratification on the Siegel modular variety with parahoric level structure | |
Project: C8 |
23048 Michael Baake, Anton Gorodetski, Jan Mazáč | |
A naturally appearing family of Cantorvals | |
Project: A2 |
23046 Artem Dudko, Rostislav Grigorchuk | |
Characters and IRS's on branch groups and embeddings into hyperfinite factor | |
Project: A5 |
23045 Joachim Hilgert | |
Quantum-Classical Correspondences for Locally Symmetric Spaces | |
Projects: B3, B4 |
23044 Christian Arends, Jan Frahm, Joachim Hilgert | |
A Pairing Formula for Resonant States on Finite Regular Graphs | |
Projects: B3, B4 |
23043 Christian Arends, Jan Frahm, Joachim Hilgert | |
Edge Laplacians and Edge Poisson Transforms for Graphs | |
Projects: B3, B4 |
23042 Rostislav Grigorchuk, Dmytro Savchuk | |
Liftable self-similar groups and scale groups | |
Project: A5 |
23041 Michael Baake, Alvaro Bustos, Andreas Nickel | |
On k-free numbers in cyclotomic fields: entropy, symmetries and topological invariants | |
Project: A2 |
23040 Lukas Kühne, Xavier Roulleau | |
Regular polygons, line operators, and elliptic modular surfaces as realization spaces of matroids | |
Project: A7 |
23039 Pieter Belmans, Ana-Maria Brecan, Hans Franzen, Markus Reineke | |
Vector fields and admissible embeddings for quiver moduli | |
Project: C4 |
23038 Pieter Belmans, Ana-Maria Brecan, Hans Franzen, Gianni Petrella, Markus Reineke | |
Rigidity and Schofield's partial tilting conjecture for quiver moduli | |
Project: C4 |
23037 Michael Baake, Franz Gähler, Philipp Gohlke | |
Orbit separation dimension as complexity measure for primitive inflation tilings | |
Project: A2 |
23036 Rostislav Grigorchuk, Jean-François Quint | |
Directional counting for regular languages | |
Project: B4 |
23035 Valentin Blomer, Christopher Lutsko | |
Hyperbolic lattice point counting in unbounded rank | |
Project: B2 |
23034 Henning Krause | |
Completions of triangulated categories | |
Projects: C6, C7 |
23033 Tobias Barthel, Dave Benson, Srikanth B. Iyengar, Henning Krause, Julia Pevtsova | |
Lattices over finite group schemes and stratification | |
Projects: C6, C7 |
23032 Henning Krause | |
The finitistic dimension of a triangulated category | |
Projects: C6, C7 |
23031 Henning Krause | |
An analogue of Stone duality via support | |
Projects: C6, C7 |
23030 Lasse Wolf, Hongwei Zhang | |
$L^2$-spectrum, growth indicator function and critical exponent on locally symmetric spaces | |
Project: B2 |
23029 Vishvesh Kumar, Michael Ruzhansky, Hongwei Zhang | |
Stein-Weiss inequality on non-compact symmetric spaces | |
Project: B2 |
23028 Daniel Corey, Lukas Kühne, Benjamin Schröter | |
Matroids in Oscar | |
Project: A7 |
23025 Lie Fu, Charles Vial | |
Cubic fourfolds, Kuznetsov components and Chow motives | |
Projects: C1, C8 |
23024 Christian Arends, Lasse Wolf, Jasmin Meinecke, Sonja Barkhofen, Tobias Weich, Tim Bartley | |
Decomposing large unitaries into multimode devices of arbitrary size | |
Project: B2 |
23023 Philipp Schütte, Tobias Weich | |
Invariant Ruelle Distributions on Convex-Cocompact Hyperbolic Surfaces -- A Numerical Algorithm via Weighted Zeta Functions | |
Project: B2 |
23022 Kai-Uwe Bux, Joachim Hilgert, Tobias Weich | |
Spectral correspondences for finite graphs without dead ends | |
Project: B4 |
23020 Olivier Martin, Charles Vial | |
Effective zero-cycles and the Bloch-Beilinson filtration | |
Project: C1 |
23018 Daniele Agostini, Ignacio Barros, Kuan-Wen Lai | |
On the irrationality of moduli spaces of projective hyperkähler manifolds | |
Project: C1 |
23017 Igor Burban, Semyon Klevtsov | |
Algebraic geometry of the multilayer model of the fractional quantum Hall effect on a torus | |
Project: A5 |
23015 Ilaria Castellano, Anna Giordano Bruno, Nicolò Zava | |
Weakly weighted generalised quasi-metric spaces and semilattices | |
Project: B4 |
23014 Claudia Alfes, Jens Funke, Michael Mertens, Eugenia Rosu | |
On Jacobi--Weierstrass mock modular forms | |
Project: B1 |
23013 Claudia Alfes, Michael Mertens | |
On Kleinian mock modular forms | |
Project: B1 |
23012 Efthymia Papageorgiou | |
Asymptotic behavior of solutions to the extension problem for the fractional Laplacian on noncompact symmetric spaces | |
Project: B3 |
23011 Tommaso Bruno, Efthymia Papageorgiou | |
Pointwise convergence to initial data for some evolution equations on symmetric spaces | |
Project: B3 |
23010 Takuro Abe, Lukas Kühne, Paul Mücksch, Leonie Mühlherr | |
Projective dimension of weakly chordal graphic arrangements | |
Project: A7 |
23009 Pieter Belmans, Hans Franzen | |
On Chow rings of quiver moduli | |
Project: C4 |
23008 Viola Siconolfi, Marlies Vantomme, Christopher Voll | |
Subgroup growth in free class-2-nilpotent groups | |
Project: A4 |
23007 Michael Baake, Franz Gähler, Lorenzo Sadun | |
Dynamics and topology of the Hat family of tilings | |
Project: A2 |
23006 Raschid Abedin, Stepan Maximov, Alexander Stolin | |
Topological Manin pairs and (n, s)-type series | |
Project: A5 |
23005 Tobias Weich, Lasse Wolf | |
Temperedness of locally symmetric spaces: the product case | |
Project: B2 |
23004 Tobias Weich, Lasse Wolf | |
Absence of principal eigenvalues for higher rank locally symmetric spaces | |
Project: B2 |
23003 Johannes Krah | |
A phantom on a rational surface | |
Project: C7 |