About Us
The Hexagons
Job Openings
Principal Investigators
Prof. Dr. Claudia Alfes
A1: The structure of (almost) lattices – algebra, analysis, and arithmetic
B1: Theta lifts and equidistribution
Prof. Dr. Michael Baake
A1: The structure of (almost) lattices – algebra, analysis, and arithmetic
A2: Algebraic and arithmetic aspects of aperiodicity
Prof. Dr. Ignacio Barros
C1: Hyper-Kähler varieties and moduli spaces
PD Dr. Barbara Baumeister
A3: Codes and designs
C2: Hereditary categories, reflection groups, and non-commutative curves
Prof. Dr. Valentin Blomer
A4: Combinatorial Euler products
B1: Theta lifts and equidistribution
B2: Spectral theory in higher rank and infinite volume
Prof. Dr. Ana Botero
B7: Chow groups and compactifications of moduli spaces
Prof. Dr. Igor Burban
A5: Affine Kac–Moody groups: analysis, algebra, and arithmetic
C2: Hereditary categories, reflection groups, and non-commutative curves
C3: Tame patterns in the representation theory of reductive Lie groups and arithmetic geometry
Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Bux
A5: Affine Kac–Moody groups: analysis, algebra, and arithmetic
B3: Spherical harmonic analysis of affine buildings and Macdonald theory
B4: Geodesic flows and Weyl chamber flows on affine buildings
Prof. Dr. William Crawley-Boevey
A6: Zeta functions of integral quiver representations
C2: Hereditary categories, reflection groups, and non-commutative curves
C3: Tame patterns in the representation theory of reductive Lie groups and arithmetic geometry
Prof. Dr. Helge Glöckner
A5: Affine Kac–Moody groups: analysis, algebra, and arithmetic
Prof. Dr. Fabian Hebestreit
A8: The stable cohomology of symplectic and orthogonal groups
Prof. Dr. Joachim Hilgert
B3: Spherical harmonic analysis of affine buildings and Macdonald theory
B4: Geodesic flows and Weyl chamber flows on affine buildings
Dr. Max Hoffmann
Ö: Public relations
Prof. Dr. Fabian Januszewski
B5: $p$-adic $L$-functions, $\mathcal L$-invariants and the cohomology of arithmetic groups
C3: Tame patterns in the representation theory of reductive Lie groups and arithmetic geometry
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Klüners
A2: Algebraic and arithmetic aspects of aperiodicity
A4: Combinatorial Euler products
Prof. Dr. Henning Krause
C6: Stratifying derived categories over arbitrary bases
C7: Derived splinters and full exceptional collections
Prof. Dr. Lukas Kühne
A7: Matroids, codes, and their $q$-analogues
Prof. Dr. Eike Lau
C6: Stratifying derived categories over arbitrary bases
C7: Derived splinters and full exceptional collections
C8: Cohomological structures of hyper-Kähler varieties
Prof. Dr. Margit Rösler
A3: Codes and designs
B3: Spherical harmonic analysis of affine buildings and Macdonald theory
Dr. Julia Sauter
C4: Counting points on quiver Grassmannians
Prof. Dr. Michael Spieß
B5: $p$-adic $L$-functions, $\mathcal L$-invariants and the cohomology of arithmetic groups
B6: Equivariant cohomology and Shimura varieties
Prof. Dr. Charles Vial
C1: Hyper-Kähler varieties and moduli spaces
C7: Derived splinters and full exceptional collections
C8: Cohomological structures of hyper-Kähler varieties
Prof. Dr. Christopher Voll
A1: The structure of (almost) lattices – algebra, analysis, and arithmetic
A4: Combinatorial Euler products
A6: Zeta functions of integral quiver representations
Prof. Dr. Tobias Weich
B2: Spectral theory in higher rank and infinite volume
B4: Geodesic flows and Weyl chamber flows on affine buildings
Ö: Public relations
Mercator Fellows
Prof. Dr. Amnon Neeman
Prof. Dr. Maryna Viazovska
Francisco Araujo
A2: Algebraic and arithmetic aspects of aperiodicity
Dr. Edgar Assing
B1: Theta lifts and equidistribution
Dr. Raphael Bennet-Tennenhaus
C3: Tame patterns in the representation theory of reductive Lie groups and arithmetic geometry
Dr. Patrick Bieker
C6: Stratifying derived categories over arbitrary bases
C8: Cohomological structures of hyper-Kähler varieties
William Bock
B7: Chow groups and compactifications of moduli spaces
Dr. Gabriele Bogo
A1: The structure of (almost) lattices – algebra, analysis, and arithmetic
B1: Theta lifts and equidistribution
Dominik Brennecken
B3: Spherical harmonic analysis of affine buildings and Macdonald theory
Dr. Annika Burmester
A1: The structure of (almost) lattices – algebra, analysis, and arithmetic
C1: Hyper-Kähler varieties and moduli spaces
Lars Bügemannskemper
A1: The structure of (almost) lattices – algebra, analysis, and arithmetic
Dr. Lei Chen
A3: Codes and designs
Dr. Teresa Conde
C6: Stratifying derived categories over arbitrary bases
Sebastian Degen
A7: Matroids, codes, and their $q$-analogues
Dr. Benjamin Delarue
B2: Spectral theory in higher rank and infinite volume
Dr. Salvatore Floccari
C1: Hyper-Kähler varieties and moduli spaces
C8: Cohomological structures of hyper-Kähler varieties
Benedikt Fluhr
C6: Stratifying derived categories over arbitrary bases
Julius Frank
A8: The stable cohomology of symplectic and orthogonal groups
Dr. Lennart Gehrmann
B6: Equivariant cohomology and Shimura varieties
Dr. Wassilij Gnedin
C3: Tame patterns in the representation theory of reductive Lie groups and arithmetic geometry
Dr. Juan Omar Gomez Rodriguez
C6: Stratifying derived categories over arbitrary bases
Dr. Fabian Gundlach
A4: Combinatorial Euler products
A2: Algebraic and arithmetic aspects of aperiodicity
Anna Guntermann
A1: The structure of (almost) lattices – algebra, analysis, and arithmetic
Dr. Franz Gähler
A2: Algebraic and arithmetic aspects of aperiodicity
Dr. Elisa Hartmann
B4: Geodesic flows and Weyl chamber flows on affine buildings
Shi He
C1: Hyper-Kähler varieties and moduli spaces
Dr. Claudius Heyer
C3: Tame patterns in the representation theory of reductive Lie groups and arithmetic geometry
Dr. Manuel Hoff
C8: Cohomological structures of hyper-Kähler varieties
Dr. Andrew Hubery
A6: Zeta functions of integral quiver representations
C2: Hereditary categories, reflection groups, and non-commutative curves
Abhijit Aryampilly Jayanthan
B5: $p$-adic $L$-functions, $\mathcal L$-invariants and the cohomology of arithmetic groups
Daniel Kahl
B4: Geodesic flows and Weyl chamber flows on affine buildings
Dr. Paul Kiefer
A1: The structure of (almost) lattices – algebra, analysis, and arithmetic
B1: Theta lifts and equidistribution
C1: Hyper-Kähler varieties and moduli spaces
PD Dr. Markus Kirschmer
A2: Algebraic and arithmetic aspects of aperiodicity
Lukas Klawuhn
A3: Codes and designs
Anna Klick
A1: The structure of (almost) lattices – algebra, analysis, and arithmetic
Johannes Krah
C7: Derived splinters and full exceptional collections
Lukas Langen
A3: Codes and designs
Dr. Janina Letz
C6: Stratifying derived categories over arbitrary bases
C7: Derived splinters and full exceptional collections
Daniel Luz
A2: Algebraic and arithmetic aspects of aperiodicity
Dr. Pablo Magni
C7: Derived splinters and full exceptional collections
C1: Hyper-Kähler varieties and moduli spaces
C8: Cohomological structures of hyper-Kähler varieties
Dr. Alexandre Maksoud
B5: $p$-adic $L$-functions, $\mathcal L$-invariants and the cohomology of arithmetic groups
Dr. Luigi Martinelli
C7: Derived splinters and full exceptional collections
Dr. Stepan Maximov
A5: Affine Kac–Moody groups: analysis, algebra, and arithmetic
Carl Mazzanti
C1: Hyper-Kähler varieties and moduli spaces
Sarah Meier
B6: Equivariant cohomology and Shimura varieties
Leonie Mühlherr
A7: Matroids, codes, and their $q$-analogues
Vikram Nadig
A8: The stable cohomology of symplectic and orthogonal groups
Dr. Georges Neaime
A3: Codes and designs
C2: Hereditary categories, reflection groups, and non-commutative curves
Mingyu Ni
C3: Tame patterns in the representation theory of reductive Lie groups and arithmetic geometry
Simon Paege
C8: Cohomological structures of hyper-Kähler varieties
Marcel Palmer
C2: Hereditary categories, reflection groups, and non-commutative curves
Dr. Guendalina Palmirotta
B2: Spectral theory in higher rank and infinite volume
B4: Geodesic flows and Weyl chamber flows on affine buildings
Ö: Public relations
Dr. Efthymia Papageorgiou
B3: Spherical harmonic analysis of affine buildings and Macdonald theory
Christopher J. Parker
C6: Stratifying derived categories over arbitrary bases
Daniel Perniok
C2: Hereditary categories, reflection groups, and non-commutative curves
Dr. Carsten Peterson
B4: Geodesic flows and Weyl chamber flows on affine buildings
B3: Spherical harmonic analysis of affine buildings and Macdonald theory
Dr. Moritz Petschick
A6: Zeta functions of integral quiver representations
Nicolas Potthast
A4: Combinatorial Euler products
Dr. Alexander Pütz
C4: Counting points on quiver Grassmannians
Praful Rahangdale
A5: Affine Kac–Moody groups: analysis, algebra, and arithmetic
Tomas Reunbrouck
A1: The structure of (almost) lattices – algebra, analysis, and arithmetic
Dr. Kyungmin Rho
C3: Tame patterns in the representation theory of reductive Lie groups and arithmetic geometry
Noam von Rotberg
A4: Combinatorial Euler products
Paul Schneider
B4: Geodesic flows and Weyl chamber flows on affine buildings
Charly Schwabe
C2: Hereditary categories, reflection groups, and non-commutative curves
Dr. Beranger Seguin
A4: Combinatorial Euler products
Dr. Jianhao Shen
A6: Zeta functions of integral quiver representations
Luca Speciale
B5: $p$-adic $L$-functions, $\mathcal L$-invariants and the cohomology of arithmetic groups
Sören Sprehe
B5: $p$-adic $L$-functions, $\mathcal L$-invariants and the cohomology of arithmetic groups
Dr. Marc Stephan
C6: Stratifying derived categories over arbitrary bases
C7: Derived splinters and full exceptional collections
Rebekka Strathausen
B1: Theta lifts and equidistribution
Dr. Niclas Technau
A4: Combinatorial Euler products
Dr. Eduardo Vital
B7: Chow groups and compactifications of moduli spaces
Dr. Hongwei Zhang
B2: Spectral theory in higher rank and infinite volume
Dr. Haitao Zou
C8: Cohomological structures of hyper-Kähler varieties