Graduate Seminar (Bielefeld)
We meet in T2-226 (Bielefeld University) on Mondays at 2:15 pm.
08.04. Rebekka Strathausen – Theta lifts and Maass forms
15.04. Sarah Meier – Hecke Operators on the Bruhat-Tits Building
22.04. Tomas Reunbrouck – Counting with p-adic analysis
29.04. Bianca Marchionna – Are tdlc groups accessible?
06.05. Elisa Hartmann – Geometric intuition of type FPm
13.05. no seminar
20.05. no seminar
27.05. Carl Mazzanti – Shafarevich maps
03.06. Moritz Hartlieb (Universität Bonn) – Special subvarieties of moduli spaces
In 1987, Coleman conjectured that for sufficiently large genus, there are only finitely many curves admitting complex multiplication on their Jacobians. By the André-Oort conjecture, recently proven by Tsimerman, this is equivalent to the non-existence of positive-dimensional special subvarieties in the moduli space of curves. I will recall known counter-examples in low genus and discuss an analogous question for the moduli space of cubic threefolds.
10.06. no seminar
17.06. Daniel Echtler (HHU Düsseldorf) – Profinite Properties and Galois Cohomology
In recent years the study of profinite properties grew to a reasonably sized topic in group theory. In this talk I want to give a brief introduction to the topic. Moreover I want to discuss how Galois cohomology and algebraic groups can be used in this context to give some counter examples.
24.06. Noam von Rotberg – cancelled
01.07. Sebastian Degen – An introduction to (representable) q-matroids
08.07. Paul Schneider
15.07. No seminar – as a replacement, you may visit the BiMS (semesterly Bielefeld-Münster-Seminar)
13.11. Moritz Petschick – Non-nilpotent Engel groups
20.11. José Quintanilha – Writhes of spacial graphs
27.11. Lars Bügemannskemper – Pro-isomorphic zeta function for groups coming from elliptic curves
4.12. Martina Conte (University of Düsseldorf) – On some properties related to Kaplansky’s zero divisor conjecture for pro-p groups
11.12. Anna Guntermann – Introduction to period polynomials
18.12. Johannes Krah – On proper splinters in positive characteristic
25.12. bis 15.01. – kein Seminar
22.1. Manuel Hoff – p-divisible groups und Dieudonné theory
29.1. Leonie Mühlherr - Graphic hyperplane arrangement theory
Moritz Petschick (er/sein//he/him),
Noam von Rotberg (Noam//they/them),